Non-statistical indicator
Existing legal framework:
The Constitution of Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015 enshrines the principle of Gender equality and women’s rights and provides the minimum 30% quota for women in all decision making positions and Prohibits all kind of discrimination;
Organic Law governing elections was enacted as an additional legislation promoting gender parity in decision making structures of the government. Article 91 of this law relates to the composition of the chamber of deputies and provides for 24 seats reserved for women (this is the equivalent of 30%);
The Law determining offences and penalties in general provide punishment of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) addresses GBV in all its forms;
The Law governing Persons and Family, Men and women have equal right to enter marriage where by today the minimum legal age is 21. Spouses have equal rights on Management of the household
Law Governing Matrimonial Regimes, Donations and Successions: In 1999, a gender revolution especially in terms of equal accessibility to and management of family patrimony was realized through the law on matrimonial regimes, donations and successions which were later revised in 2016. The law provides that both boys and girls have the same rights to inherit properties from their parents;
Law Governing Land in Rwanda, The same as inheritance, Land reform in Rwanda supported women and men to have equal rights and enjoyment over their land properties. From this, both men and women have land titles registered on their names and this has facilitated especially women to access loans from financial institutions and engage in income generating activities;
The Law regulating labour in Rwanda, in its Article 9 states that, an employer is prohibited from discriminating employees on basis of sex, or any other form of discrimination. A female employee who has given birth is entitled to a maternity leave paid of at least twelve (12) consecutive weeks;